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民族艺术 时代楷模】中国当代优秀艺术名家——魏相君

时间:2020-12-29 17:56:46 来源:zgwhb.cn 编辑:传承 阅读:手机版


  Wei Xiangjun, born in December 1943 in Jingyuan, Gansu Province, was born in Botou City, Hebei Province. Since he was a teenager, Xiao Xiangjun was fond of calligraphy and painting. After graduating from Northwest Normal University, he began to serve as a teacher and gradually grew into a member of the CPC and a senior lecturer. He founded Baiyin Jiangong school and later changed to Baiyin Industrial school. He has been the principal for 18 years. He is a national first-class artist, a member of the Calligraphy Art Research Association of China couplet Association, a member of the provincial Calligraphy Association, a director of the China Internet Alliance, a member of the Tongcheng calligraphy and Painting Institute of Baiyin, the calligraphy and Painting Institute of the old Association for science and technology, Baiyin Lanfeng calligraphy and Painting Institute, and vice president.

砥柱中流 48x180厘米


  He had studied and studied in the training center of Chinese Calligraphy Association (Beijing) and the advanced research class of Gansu Calligraphy Association (Lanzhou). After retirement, he served as an art and calligraphy teacher in tianjiabing Academy of Northwest Normal University for three years from 2005 to 2008. He also participated in the compilation of calligraphy course as an associate editor in chief and published it as a liberal arts textbook in Colleges and universities.

篆书扇面 “金石乐 ”34x68厘米


  Wang Xizhi once said, "if a little is lost, it is like a beauty who loses a sight.". The loss of a painting is like the loss of a strong man's arm. Don't be careless. This can also be applied to people. No matter how high the social status is, the moral character is shamed by the world, and it is also a loss of sight. Calligraphy, of course, can reflect a person's unique artistic atmosphere and unique quality.


  Linchi keeps writing and dancing, bowing to be the Duke of Tao Zhu. For Wei Xiangjun, a famous contemporary calligrapher, this is undoubtedly the best evaluation of his life and also shows his life.

游目骋怀 50x50厘米

  人生在勤,不索何获。作为一名著名书法家,魏相君多年来,临池不辍,楷行草篆皆修,尤为擅于行书。是以“二王”为宗脉,还兼蓄了颜真卿、米芾等行书和吴昌硕临石鼓文篆书之意趣于里。力求典雅古朴雄浑稚拙之风。他是位物理老师,但执教40年里利用假期和业余时间,潜心钻研,刻苦励练! 静心沉浸在书法的世界里。一边勤练书法,一边甘愿化为春泥滋润花朵。终于,长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海,他的书法在艺术节大放异彩,甚至还被海内外多家博物馆收藏。

  Life is not what you get. As a famous calligrapher, Wei Xiangjun has been practicing regular script, running grass and seal script in linchi for many years. He is especially good at running script. It takes the "two kings" as the lineage, and also has the interest of Yan Zhenqing, Mi Fu and other running script and Wu Changshuo's stone drum seal script. Strive for elegant, simple, vigorous and naive style. He is a physics teacher, but in his 40 years of teaching, he has spent his holidays and spare time studying hard and practicing hard. He is immersed in the world of calligraphy. At the same time, he is willing to turn into spring mud to moisten flowers. Finally, the wind and waves will sometimes, straight cloud sail Jicang sea, his calligraphy in the art festival shine brilliantly, even has been collected by many museums at home and abroad.

中国梦 136x68厘米


  From January 8 to January 10 of this year, the 2020 International China public welfare ceremony with the theme of "saluting the public welfare practitioners" and the demonstration exhibition of the public welfare achievements of "I and my motherland" were held at the Xingguang film and television base of Beijing Central Radio and television. It is jointly sponsored by century Caifeng and many domestic media. As an annual industry grand event and a platform for cross domain cooperation and exchange in the field of public welfare, more than 200 philanthropists, government personnel, senior media journalists, philanthropic stars and public welfare enterprises have been invited to participate in the ceremony. It announced the awards in the field of international Chinese charity in 2019. Among them, the calligrapher Wei Xiangjun won the international Chinese public welfare "best artist public welfare practice Award".

元稹《菊花》诗 34x136厘米


  In his acceptance speech, he said that art is endless. Chinese calligraphy is broad and profound, flexible and elegant, and contains a refreshing atmosphere. He said that he knows that there are still many deficiencies and deficiencies. In the future, he will continue to redouble his efforts and be more modest in learning from teachers, colleagues and friends to strive for another peak.

毛泽东七律.和柳亚子 180x48厘米

  在当时的笔会现场,魏老师挥毫泼墨,其书法,或敛束而相抱,或婆娑而四垂,或上下而参差,又或落择而自披。在笔间,即可见其气势磅礴,笔力之雄健。在飞云流动之处,咋见精神的展露;墨色浮于纸上时,见其气骨的凝结。真可为其妙哉呀!简而言之,魏老师的书法, 笔墨雍容,且安静肃穆,形式与内容亦相得益彰,不禁竟惹得阵阵赞叹。

  At the scene of the pen meeting at that time, Mr. Wei waved and splashed ink, and his calligraphy was either folded and hugged, or whirled and hung, or staggered up and down, or put on by himself. In the pen room, you can see its magnificent momentum and vigorous writing power. In the place where the flying clouds flow, see the spirit show; When the ink color floats on the paper, it can be seen that the air bone condenses. How wonderful it is! In short, Mr. Wei's calligraphy is graceful, quiet and solemn, and its form and content complement each other, which can not help but arouse bursts of admiration.

毛泽东清平乐会昌 48x180厘米


刘禹锡陋室铭 48x180厘米

毛泽东诗“送瘟神 ”其二 180x48厘米

王冕 墨梅 34x136厘米

毛泽东沁园春雪四条屏 136x34cmx4

篆书条幅“以古为徒” 180x48厘米


不忘初心 50x50厘米

